
Mission Statement

Benchmark Art’s mission is to help artists, cultural institutions, and entertainment companies execute their creative vision by providing exceptional concept development, fabrication, and installation services.  We are an art production firm comprised of “get it done people” who achieve this goal through our tradition of quality, integrity, and trust.  Our people drive our success and we maintain a workplace that encourages personal and professional development, constant learning, and humility.


Our Core Values:


The right way. Not many people know how to do it like that any more. Or are willing to spend the time. Or care. The right way is the only way we do it at Benchmark Arts. This is what makes working with us different. To us, there is no difficult, there's just done.





It goes by many names: honor, decency, "straight shooter," but it is never up for debate. It is what we expect of ourselves and those we work with.  It means our word is our bond, owning up to our mistakes and giving credit where credit is due. 



You can count on us. We have handled deliveries to numerous museums, public spaces, commercial locations, and institutions across the world. We always finish what we start and can be relied upon to deliver on time.